Discover the Secret to Silky, Cellulite-Free Skin with Icoone Treatment

Cellulite Treatment

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a common skin condition where fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin, leading to a dimpled or lumpy appearance. Often described as resembling orange peel or cottage cheese, cellulite can affect both men and women, but it is significantly more prevalent in women due to differences in fat distribution, muscle structure, and connective tissue. 

While cellulite is entirely cosmetic and not harmful to health, many find it a concern due to its effect on appearance.

Common Places of Cellulite Formation

The most frequent areas for cellulite to develop include the:

  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Stomach.

These zones are where the body naturally stores more fat, especially in women, making them prime targets for this condition. However, cellulite can also appear on the arms and other parts of the body, depending on individual fat distribution and genetic predisposition.

Cellulite Treatment

One of the most effective treatments for cellulite is the icoone treatment, available at Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Center in Abu Dhabi.

This non-invasive therapy uses specialized handpieces equipped with microstimulators, providing up to 21,600 microstimulations per minute. This advanced technology, known as Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation, reaches deep into the skin and subcutaneous tissue, enhancing blood flow, improving lymphatic drainage, and breaking down the fibrous bands that cause cellulite’s dimpled appearance.

Cellulite Treatment Time and Downtime

Each icoone treatment session typically lasts about 30 minutes, with the recommendation of multiple sessions depending on the individual’s condition and desired outcomes. The beauty of icoone therapy is its minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.

How Long does it Last?

The results from icoone treatments are visibly lasting and can be maintained with regular follow-up sessions. Consistent treatment can lead to prolonged smoothness and improvement in skin texture.

Cellulite Treatment in Abu Dhabi

For those seeking cellulite treatment in Abu Dhabi, Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Center offers top-tier services with the revolutionary icoone machine. Our clinic specializes in anti-cellulite massage and cellulite therapy, employing the latest advancements in non-surgical aesthetic treatments to ensure the best possible results for our patients.

We invite you to visit our clinic in Abu Dhabi to discover how our icoone treatments can transform your skin and boost your confidence. Embrace the journey to a more beautiful you today!

Treatment Time

30-40 mins


few months


Minimal to No Downtime


The duration of a cellulite treatment session can vary depending on the method used. For instance, sessions with the icoone machine typically last about 30 minutes and are recommended in a series for best results

While cellulite treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of dimples and improve skin elasticity, they do not permanently remove cellulite. Regular maintenance sessions and a healthy lifestyle are recommended to keep the results.

Results can vary based on the type of treatment and the individual’s skin condition. Some treatments, like the icoone cellulite massage, can show improvements fairly quickly, with more noticeable results after several sessions.

You can receive Icoone cellulite treatment at Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Centre, located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Visit edcc.ae/contact to get booking details

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