Spot it Early, Save a Life: Your Guide to Skin Cancer Detection and Screening


Skin cancer screening is one of the critical tools in the early diagnosis and management of the disease. Therefore, self-examinations or professional medical evaluations of the signs and symptoms of skin cancer can greatly enhance the results. Here is a comprehensive guide to skin cancer detection and screening:

Self-Examinations for Skin Cancer Detection

Any new moles, spots, or changes in any existing skin lesions should be checked by a dermatologist during a skin self-examination. The ABCDE rule is a useful guide for identifying potential signs of melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer:

  • Asymmetry: One half of the mole or lesion does not resemble the other half.
  • Border irregularity: The edges are jagged, scalloped, or ill-defined.
  • Color variation: The mole has different colors or shades within it.
  • Diameter: The size of the mole is over 6 millimeters, about the size of a pencil eraser.
  • Evolving: The mole is growing or shrinking, becoming raised, developing a different color or texture, or undergoing any other changes.

Professional Skin Cancer Screening

Skin self-examinations should be conducted every month, while professional skin examinations should be done at least once a year by a skin cancer dermatologist or other healthcare professional, especially for individuals at high risk for skin cancer, including those with a family history of skin cancer or a history of heavy sun exposure. Our expert doctors for skin at Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Center are dedicated to providing comprehensive skin cancer screenings.

Skin Cancer Detection in Abu Dhabi

Our dermatologists for skin cancer examinations at Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Center are highly skilled and employ the best equipment to make accurate assessments. Regular check-ups and early diagnosis are crucial for receiving proper treatment and improving prognosis.

If you think you have symptoms of skin cancer, don’t wait for signs to appear. Be proactive in your skin health and schedule an appointment with our expert skin cancer dermatologists for a thorough skin cancer screening and ensure peace of mind

Frequently Asked questions


Everyone should consider regular skin cancer screenings, but they are especially important for individuals with a higher risk, such as those with a family history of skin cancer or a history of heavy sun exposure

If you notice a suspicious mole or spot on your skin, schedule an appointment with a skin cancer doctor as soon as possible. Early detection is crucial for effective treatment and improving prognosis.

To book a skin cancer screening at Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Center, you can contact us by visiting

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