Do you Sweat Excessively in UAE? You Might Have This Condition

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In the UAE, temperatures rose to nearly 50 degrees Celsius in 2024, making it normal to sweat if you are out and about. Sweating helps regulate body temperature, but if you find yourself sweating excessively, even when sitting idle indoors, you might be suffering from a condition called hyperhidrosis. Sweat can be triggered because of heat, exercise, stress or while consuming spicy foods, but in the case of hyperhidrosis, sweating becomes uncontrollable and the body begins to produce sweat that is more than required. 


Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating and affects about 2-5% of people worldwide. This condition can significantly impact daily life and social interactions. Hyperhidrosis can occur in various areas of the body, including the underarms, palms, soles of the feet, and face. Individuals with hyperhidrosis often find their quality of life affected due to the constant need to manage their sweat.

How to Know If You Have Hyperhidrosis?

To determine if you have hyperhidrosis, watch out for these signs:

  • Visible Excessive Sweating: Noticeable beads of sweat on your skin, even in cool environments, or frequent soaking of clothes in areas like the underarms, palms, soles of the feet, or scalp.
  • Sweating that Interferes with Activities: Sweating makes it difficult to hold objects, grip a steering wheel, use a keyboard and so on.
  • Skin Irritation: Constant dampness can lead to itching, inflammation, and peeling of the skin, particularly on the hands and feet.
  • Frequent Skin Infections: Moist environments created by excessive sweating can be breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. As a result, people with hyperhidrosis are more at risk of skin infections. If you notice you are getting skin infections in the areas where you sweat, you might have hyperhidrosis

Are There Any Cures for Hyperhidrosis?

While there is no permanent cure for hyperhidrosis, there are several effective treatments available, including:

  • Antiperspirants: Over-the-counter or prescription-strength antiperspirants can help reduce sweating.
  • Medications: Oral medications can reduce sweating by suppressing sweat gland activity.
  • Iontophoresis: A device that uses water to conduct a mild electrical current through the skin’s surface to reduce sweating.
  • Botox Injections: Botox injections block the nerves that cause sweating.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical options such as sympathectomy or sweat gland removal may be considered.

Which is the Best Treatment for Hyperhidrosis?

One of the most effective treatments for hyperhidrosis is Botox. Botox injections work by blocking the chemicals in the body that signal the sweat glands to produce sweat. The treatment involves injecting small amounts of Botox into the affected areas, such as botox for underarms, palms, soles of the feet, or scalp. Botox treatments for hyperhidrosis are minimally invasive and provide long-lasting results, typically lasting for 6-8 months. Patients usually experience a significant reduction in sweating, allowing them to go about their daily activities with confidence.

Is Sweat Botox Treatment Available in UAE?

Yes, sweat Botox treatments are available in the UAE. At Emirates Dermatology and Cosmetology Center in Abu Dhabi, we offer expert hyperhidrosis treatment using Botox. Our experienced dermatologists provide personalized treatment plans to help you manage and reduce excessive sweating effectively. Schedule a consultation today and discover how you can enjoy drier and more confident skin.

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